St Francis of Assisi Primary School
Mill Park
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Principal’s Welcome

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the St. Francis of Assisi Primary School community, I would like to warmly welcome you to our school. We believe that parents need to be fully informed on all matters related to their child/ren’s education and encourage you to read the ‘Enrolment Information’ handbook thoroughly. It will assist you to become familiar with the routines, policies and information needed for a smooth transition into school life.

As educators in a Catholic school, our aim is to promote living and learning in faith. We seek to support you in your role as parents in nurturing your children so that they can live their lives to their full potential. We aim to provide a learning environment which is stimulating, positive and purposeful.

There are many opportunities for parents to work in partnership with the school, thereby strengthening the bonds of communication between parents and teachers as well as involving you with classroom learning and the myriad of activities that take place in and around the school. Of course there are the more formal opportunities to participate, including the Education Board and the Parents’ Association. Parents are one of our greatest resources so we encourage all parents to be involved in the school wherever possible.

The spirit of St. Francis challenges us to work together to form a community which is respectful, safe and supportive and which provides the opportunity for all its members to live and learn in faith. We hope that your time at St. Francis of Assisi Primary School will be very happy and successful. May God bless you and your family.

Mark Basile

Priest’s Welcome

Dear Parents,

Please allow me to welcome you to St Francis of Assisi Parish Primary School, an excellent example of a Catholic school which provides wonderful support to people who want to offer their children the rich experience of faith in their childhood. The children learn what the Church believes and teaches and, importantly, what it means to belong to a Christian community. They learn what ‘belonging’ both offers and demands. Exposure to a rich Christian community such as St Francis gives young people an important basis for their future lives in the Church.

Here at St Francis of Assisi Parish Primary School, we believe every person is special. To that end, we aim to create an atmosphere where children can grow in richness, fullness and integrity. We believe this can be achieved in the knowledge of God’s love for each of us and by an increasing awareness of and response to His presence in our lives. The Parish Primary School has been at the heart of the Catholic Church in this country. We invite you to embrace St Francis and all the values for which it stands.

Father Anthony Girolami
Parish Priest

Governance Statement

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).

MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.

The good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.

This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures.

More information on MACS is available on